Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Where do we go from here?

I just reread my post from yesterday.  I'm embarrassed - for a couple of reasons.

1.  I really to attempt to be slightly entertaining - even if I'm only entertaining myself.  I failed miserably yesterday.  There was so much to say - and I glossed it all right over.  I'm of the opinion that if you aren't going to do something well, you just shouldn't do it - but I did it anyway.

2.  Gah.  I'm whiny.  Seriously.  I know that this is the home stretch.  This is the last 2 or 3 weeks of pregnancy.  I should be joyously counting it down and preparing for the celebration of the miracle of life!  If you have called me, seen me, or interacted with me in the last few days, though, odds are that you have been warned that I have nothing nice left to say.  It's just not like me.  I'm getting on my own nerves, and as much as I wanted to chronicle pregnancy, do I really want a record of THIS?  

So now I'm left with a decision.  Should I press on?  Do I continue my sad attempt at blogging?  If you read this, will you judge me forever for the cranky rantings that I'm sure are yet to come?  Will you love me through my run-on sentences and half-hearted attempts to keep a record?

Things are getting real - and they could get real ugly.  It was fun when it was all first flutters and ultrasound pictures and showers and nursery setup.  Maybe it'll be fun after the sleepless nights and sausage fingers.  But the next couple of weeks - the waiting, the impatience, the angry outbursts - should I keep writing?  Should I take a hiatus?  I wanted this to be real, but now I'm questioning myself.  How real is too real?


  1. Eh, I was going on and on about how long my pregnancy was taking and omigod, get him out of me already. And posting things on Facebook that said, tell me how to induce this child and I was only at 39 weeks, not even due. It's totally okay to whine. The last couple of weeks is hard physically, and emotionally, you just want to get on with your new normal with the baby. And meet the baby. So it's totally okay to be impatient. Having said that, the next couple of weeks will zip by. Who knows, maybe the baby will come sooner than expected!

    1. I was told that they'd induce at 39 weeks based on his size and my blood pressure. I've also heard nightmare stories about induction - so I'm kinda hoping he comes on his own in the next 10 days. Glad to know I'm not alone.

  2. Second-guessing every twitch and twinge = worst part of the last few weeks. If ya need to vent just DO it. You're holding enough in at this point. :)

    1. You have an incredible way of putting things into perspective. :)

  3. your doing fine blogging. I had forgotten what the last few months were really like and enjoy reading your blog. Hang in there, it is almost over (this part at least) and keep bloggin.

    1. Thanks so much! I think that you're supposed to forget what it's like - so you'll actually be willing to do it again. :)

  4. You have great friends (cough, cough) who are totally here through rain or shine. We're like husbands but better because we've carried babies too :) (P.S. Don't tell Cam!) xoxox to you both

    1. I do have great friends. The best, in my humble opinion. Love you!

  5. I will happily (and non-judgily) read on with whatever you keep writing. I think you'll be happy you documented this time, if you choose to. You should never be embarrassed or sorry for any of your feelings- write what you want, this is your space and your life! :)

    1. Thanks, yo. Things got interesting yesterday, and one of the few things I can do from bed is blog - prepare for the bedrest posts. ;)

  6. Your last post was not whiny, and it certainly came across as being 'real' (which is a good thing!). Maybe take a break when the baby is born - your hormones are all over the place right now, and I know that probably makes you want to punch me :) but don't trust the decisions you're making. Things will look MUCH better on the other side of that birth - provided you have no serious post-partum depression or anything like that, you should feel way more energized and positive after a few months... I did. The last few months of preg #1 were AWFUL!!! And it took a few weeks, but I definitely felt better after the physically hard part was behind me. You'll be fine - your blog is great - and this post had 9 posts! That's really awesome - you have friends out here! Stay strong!

    1. I've been really lucky - it's just these last 2 or 3 weeks that are going to be trouble. I've had so many people say that they went on bed rest for 12 or 16 weeks. I can't even imagine! Thanks for the encouragement!

  7. The cranky rantings are the best! Don't stop!
