Monday, January 14, 2013

More cuteness than you can possibly stand.

It was an exciting weekend full of adorableness at the Anderson household!  I hope this makes a rainy Monday morning a little brighter for you!

On Saturday night, our friend Ava came to visit.  We played telephones and She-Ra and had so many tea parties that Cameron couldn't take the excitement and "fell asleep". Ava took care of it, though.

Bo has been putting EVERYTHING in his mouth lately - and as of this weekend, that includes my cup.  When I take it away now, he screams like a banshee.  I've created a monster.

I'd love to write more - including some kind of a four month update for my child, but it'll have to come later.  For now, I have to work.  

Oh - and GO FALCONS!  :)

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