Friday, July 27, 2012

Yeah - I love him.

This morning, I woke up, rolled over and scooted towards where I believed my husband would be.  I wanted a quick snuggle before I ran out the door to work.  I woke up quite abruptly when I realized that he wasn't there.  I waddled to the living room, expecting to find him on the couch - he and Dr. Who have been pulling some late nights recently, but he wasn't there either.  In just a minute, he came stumbling out of Tyler's room, still wearing his blue jeans and clutching his back.  He spent the night in a twin sized bed with a squirmy 4 year old to protect him against whatever boogieman had been after him last night.

He is our protector, our provider, and our everything.  I've seen him go without sleep, work multiple jobs, and cook delicious and nutritious meals out of practically NOTHING when it was necessary.  Through it all, he always makes time for his family - for each of us individually AND for us as a unit.  He demands togetherness when the rest of us roll our eyes.

He tells people all the time that in our relationship, he is the reacher and I am the settler.  Truth be told, he made me a better person because he believed in me so strongly.


  1. Aww that is sooo stinking sweet! I love hearing things like this not only do I hope my hubby will do the same someday ;) but I think as a nation we put down eachother way to much, its so great to hear people lifting eachother up instead.


    1. Most definitely! It's so easy to focus on the negative, but I don't think it ever did anyone any good. Thanks for giving me an excuse to brag on him. :)

  2. Five points for Cam - I'm impressed.

    1. I figured that you could identify with sleeping in or around twin beds. ;)

  3. Found you through another blog, but it sounds like he is a keeper! Thank goodness for husbands to help keep our lives sane, right? I noticed you have a little one on the way so I wanted to tell you to get over to our Baby Week, which starts today, at! Lots of great things, including some great giveaways for that precious one on the way!


    1. I've already entered a few of the Baby Week giveaways! Loving it! Thanks for the heads up!

  4. What a great post! I'm going to check out this 'husband challenge' you speak of...

  5. This is so sweet!!!!!!!! What a guy!
